Grifco S-Drive Sectional Door Opener
With constant duty cycle, battery backup onboard and the industry’s best warranty, the new Grifco S-Drive is indeed the Smooth Operator.
It is purpose built for high-cycle, highly demanding commercial sectional doors found in carparks, emergency services buildings and commercial tenancies. Technical Data and Features - Main AC Power Supply: 230-240 VAC 50Hz, 400W - Rated Load (R/T): 270N (Continuous) - Max Door Heights (Part No.): 2.4m (GSD-R2.4M) / 3.6m (GSD-R3.6M) / 6.0m (GSD-RKIT) - Maximum Door Weight: 315.5 kg balanced door - Maximum Door Area: 26m² - Travel Speed: 20cm per second - Max. Duty Cycles: Continuous (100%) - Operating Temperature: +5°C to +40°C - Compliance: AS/NZS 60335-1 / AS/NZS 60335-2-103 / AS/NZS 4417.1 |